Dejan Zivanovic,塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的开发者
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Dejan Zivanovic

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
September 3, 2014

Dejan是一名资深QA工程师,在web和移动测试方面拥有丰富的经验. 他还在Android应用程序开发方面进行了广泛的合作,并将开发和QA技能结合在一起. 从头开始构建QA并领导QA团队是Dejan的专长. 固定流程和沟通以及让QA工作透明化对于每个项目都是至关重要的. 他把项目和客户的需求放在首位.


NDA (Fintech via Toptal)
质量保证(QA),手动QA, REST api,金融科技,数字支付
NDA (Digital Agency/K12 Project)
NDA (Enterprise/Tobacco Industry)
手动QA,集成测试,质量保证(QA), JavaScript, Selenium...




Preferred Environment

OS X, Windows

The most amazing...

...I've built is a QA team, 带领六个来自不同时区的工程师, creating processes, 并在项目中建立透明的沟通.

Work Experience

QA Engineer

2023 - 2023
NDA (Fintech via Toptal)
  • 在一个由三个QA组成的团队中手动测试了一个金融科技应用程序.
  • 使用Postman, MongoDB, AWS, Kafka和Kiali进行测试.
  • 成功为美国的三个主要客户发布了MVP应用程序.
技术:质量保证(QA),手动QA, REST api,金融科技,数字支付

QA Engineer

2023 - 2023
NDA (Digital Agency/K12 Project)
  • 与另外两名QA团队成员在900页的发布迁移之前执行测试. This was a one-time testing effort.
  • 从AEM迁移到WordPress中的网站. 在Node中创建页面性能脚本.js script for GTmetrix.
  • 曾在Asana、BugHerd和Slack参与K12在线学校项目.
Technologies: 质量保证(QA),手动QA,网站QA,自动化测试, Automated UI Testing, QA Automation, WordPress, Gutenberg Editor, Selenium, QA Testing, K-12 Education, Education

QA Engineer | Manual and Automation

2020 - 2022
NDA (Enterprise/Tobacco Industry)
  • 担任SME(主题专家)和忠诚度顾问, 在公司内建立LOY服务.
  • 作为顾问,在公司进行手动和自动测试.
  • 成功地证明了忠诚是一种服务的概念. 为意大利市场提前启动应用程序, 创建面向所有市场的全球忠诚服务.
Technologies: 手动QA,集成测试,质量保证(QA), JavaScript, Selenium, Automated Testing, C#, .NET, TypeScript, Mocha, Loyalty Applications, Enterprise Loyalty Programs, Loyalty Schemes, Loyalty Management, QA Automation, API Testing, Sass, Open Loyalty, Postman, Microsoft, TestRail, Testing, Apache JMeter, Software Testing, Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, QA Testing, Selenium WebDriver, Enterprise, Tobacco

Manual QA

2020 - 2020
NDA (Online eCommerce Platform)
  • 为公司构建QA流程并发布应用程序.
  • Tracked bugs in Jira, 在Rails中创建和执行测试用例, 并进行回归和功能测试.
  • 准备、发布和监控正在进行的在线销售平台的发布过程.
Technologies: Manual QA, API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, Software Testing, Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, QA Testing, eCommerce

Manual WordPress QA

2019 - 2019
NDA (Enterprise/Pet Food)
  • 对三个WordPress站点进行手动测试.
  • 跟踪Jira中的bug并执行回归测试.
  • 为PO创建报告,与开发人员紧密合作.
Technologies: WordPress, API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, TestRail, Testing, Software Testing, Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, QA Testing, Manual QA, Enterprise

QA Engineer

2019 - 2019
NDA (Real Estate/Travel)
  • Delivered a product to end clients; worked on two projects to deliver two successful MVPs.
  • 建立项目的程序、过程和沟通.
  • 对应用程序进行手动测试. Created daily and weekly reports.
  • 提供iOS应用测试和POC应用手动测试.
Technologies: Management, Process Management, Model View Presenter (MVP), API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, TestRail, Testing, Software Testing, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, QA Testing, Manual QA, Selenium WebDriver, Real Estate, Travel

QA Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • 在一家全球排名前十的公司担任四人工程师团队的QA工程师.
  • 使用客户自定义框架在Java中提供QA自动化.
  • 对web应用程序进行手动测试:回归测试、功能测试和冒烟测试.
  • Performed API testing using Postman, 包括预定义测试和自定义API测试的执行.
Technologies: Amazon S3 (AWS S3), BrowserStack, JBehave, Java, QA Automation, API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, TestRail, Testing, Apache JMeter, Software Testing, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, QA Testing, Manual QA, Selenium WebDriver, Enterprise, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals

QA Lead

2017 - 2018
NDA (Medicine/Nutrition)
  • 领导两名高级QA工程师团队,手动和自动化.
  • 建立QA流程、测试策略和测试计划.
  • 使用BrowserStack和Appium创建QA自动化.
  • 执行应用程序的手动和自动化测试.
  • 执行iOS应用手动测试和自动化.
Technologies: BrowserStack, Capybara, Ruby, API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, TestRail, Testing, TestNG, Software Testing, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, QA Testing, Manual QA, Selenium WebDriver, Medicine, Nutrition & Supplements

QA Team Lead

2014 - 2016
SnapMD, Inc.
  • 曾在一家领先的远程医疗技术公司担任QA团队领导和QA经理.
  • Handled test automation in C#, Selenium, and NUnit; conducted manual testing.
  • 领导一个六人的QA团队,执行手动和自动化QA.
  • 管理项目程序、沟通和流程.
  • 提供web、iOS、Android、API应用测试.
技术:测试管理,WebDriver, Selenium, .NET, C#, NUnit, QA Automation, API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, TestRail, Testing, Apache JMeter, TestNG, Software Testing, Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Selenium PageFactory, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, JUnit, QA Testing, Manual QA, Selenium WebDriver, Medicine

QA Automator | Mobile and Web

2014 - 2014
  • Handled Android development, Android automation (using Robotium), 以及手动测试iOS和Android应用程序.
  • 为客户开发了五个移动应用程序.
  • 使用Ruby、Capybara和PhantomJS开发web自动化.
  • 在Android Studio中使用Robotium开发Android自动化.
Technologies: iOS, Android, Java, Selenium, Ruby, QA Automation, API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, Testing, Apache JMeter, Software Testing, Software QA, Cloud, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, JUnit, QA Testing, Manual QA, Selenium WebDriver

Research and Development QA Engineer

2012 - 2014
  • 专注于用Java编写的iOS和Android应用程序和web测试, 在我与PSTech合作的过程中.
  • 创建自动化功能web、压力和负载测试.
  • 通过提供系统管理和其他支持服务来支持公司的工作.
  • 在测试阶段为公司客户提供支持.
Technologies: Windows, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Java, Sikuli, Android, Selenium, QA Automation, API Testing, Postman, Microsoft, Testing, TestNG, Software Testing, Cloud Computing, Software QA, Cloud, Selenium PageFactory, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Jira, Scrum, JUnit, QA Testing, Manual QA, Selenium WebDriver, eCommerce


2010 - 2011
  • 通过提供员工培训等各种服务协助项目管理, consultations, general project support, 并监督项目和开发.
  • Provided expertise in unit testing, manual testing, CRM development, and cloud application implementation.
  • 在Salesforce CRM平台上构建应用程序,作为解决方案的顾问.
Technologies: Salesforce, CRM Systems, Sass, Microsoft, Testing, Software Testing, Cloud Computing, Software QA, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Project Management, Scrum, QA Testing, Manual QA, eCommerce

Support Engineer

2009 - 2011
Extreme d.o.o.
  • 担任微软服务器系列的内部和外部支持工程师, SQL Server, SharePoint, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  • Created an E2 CRM hosting platform, 代表了国内市场上部署和维护Microsoft Dynamics CRM解决方案的独特托管解决方案.
  • Cooperated with EUnet and Extreme, combining the knowledge, experience, 以及各自领域的专业知识. 基于全球公认的商业解决方案Microsoft Dynamics CRM,创造了新的价值.
  • 处理平台的技术建设和维护.
  • Installed and configured SQL Server services; maintained plans and backups. Wrote queries and views in TSQL, wrote stored procedures and triggers, 优化了服务器和查询性能.
  • 实现了MS SQL分析服务,包括商业智能和报告.
  • 部署Microsoft Dynamics CRM并处理维护, installation, support, and troubleshooting.
  • 部署和维护微软SharePoint服务.0 (SharePoint Foundation).
  • 使用Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007和2010作为终端客户端.
  • Integrated the system with Microsoft and third-party solutions; provided NOD32 Antivirus support.
技术:企业资源计划(ERP), SharePoint, IIS, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Servers, SQL, Sass, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Testing, Cloud Computing, Software QA, IIS 7, Cloud, Manual Testing, Scrum, QA Testing, Manual QA

Application Administrator

2007 - 2009
Strauss Adriatic LLC
  • 作为公司用户、ERP项目经理和开发人员之间的IT支持桥梁.
  • 执行和维护手持设备的移动销售.
  • 为销售和仓库团队实施和维护移动手持设备.
  • 为手持设备和项目ERP方面提供技术支持.
  • 为销售、市场和仓库生产提供ERP支持.
  • 处理公司ERP解决方案的管理,并实施小型定制.
  • 维护SQL服务器、Microsoft服务器、台式机、笔记本电脑和打印机.
Technologies: IT, SQL, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Sass, Manual Testing, QA Testing, Manual QA, eCommerce

IT Administrator

2005 - 2007
  • 维护电脑设备,为公司ERP提供支持.
  • 负责MIS/3 ERP解决方案的实施和维护.
  • 与M公司一起维护和实施国内ERP解决方案(MIS/3)&I (
  • Provided client and technical support; helped the developers and managers throughout the process.
  • 每天每小时提供持续的IT支持.
  • 维护PC台式机、笔记本电脑、交换机和打印机.
  • 处理基本的微软和Linux服务器管理.
技术:Linux, Windows, SQL,手动测试,手动QA,电子商务

IT Support

2004 - 2005
Konel LLC
  • 为公司客户提供一般的IT和桌面支持.
  • 处理电缆和计算机组装,基本硬件和网络.
  • 为终端客户端提供基本的网络和服务器支持.
Technologies: Windows


面向云的在线微软CRM部署. 我创造了这个解决方案的技术方面. 我的公司和ISP开始了一个在线MS Dynamics CRM解决方案的项目. 我参与了POC和解决方案的实施.

Urban Hawks
一个Salesforce CRM应用程序,将为客户取代ServiceMAX. 参与项目的所有部分,从规划,设计,实施,演示和支持. Built on the SalesForce platform.



SnapMD处于远程医疗技术发展的前沿,我们相信高质量的远程医疗软件平台可以提高全球医疗保健的质量并降低成本. 我们也赞同“医疗之家”的目标和精神,即医疗保健应该由临床医生与患者密切合作指导. 这就是为什么我们将远程医疗平台设计得非常灵活,并允许每个医疗保健提供者以最佳方式为其患者使用它. 我们是一家医疗保健软件公司,永远不会成为医疗保健服务的竞争供应商.

QA Automation
适当的测试自动化并不总是容易实现的,并且几乎需要和软件本身一样多的设计和思考. In the agile way of development, 测试是确保软件质量的重要组成部分. However, 除非这些测试代码是可维护的, 事实可能会证明,它们更令人讨厌, 尤其是在现代web应用程序的自动化测试方面. 本文简单介绍了Selenium的特性Page Object和Page Factory, 如何使用它们对web应用程序建模, 以及如何使用它们编写可维护的测试代码.


Test Automation, Manual Testing, Model View Presenter (MVP), Testing, Management, Software Testing, Scrum, Automated Testing


Quality Assurance (QA), QA Leadership, Cloud, Enterprise, Tobacco, Real Estate, Travel, Medicine, Nutrition & Supplements, Pharmaceuticals, Selenium PageFactory, eCommerce, Microsoft Servers, IIS, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), IT, CRM Systems, Test Management, Process Management, Manual QA, IIS 7, Software QA, QA Automation, Cloud Computing, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), API Testing, Open Loyalty, QA Testing, Integration Testing, Loyalty Applications, Enterprise Loyalty Programs, Loyalty Schemes, Loyalty Management, Website QA, Automated UI Testing, Fintech, Digital Payments, K-12 Education, Education


Java, Sass, c#, SQL, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript


Selenium, NUnit, Capybara, JBehave, .NET, JUnit, TestNG


Selenium WebDriver, Sikuli, WebDriver, REST api


Android, WordPress, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Salesforce, iOS, Linux, Windows, SharePoint, Microsoft


BrowserStack, TestRail, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Apache JMeter, Jira, Postman, Mocha, Gutenberg Editor


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Microsoft SQL Server

Industry Expertise

Project Management

2010 - 2010

MCTS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.微软SharePoint服务器0度


2009 - 2009

MCITP:数据库管理员许可证微软认证ID: 6493765数据库学位


2000 - 2004

Bachelor's Degree in Computers



